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    Vendors for Raqs Tiki Kauai Glittering Belly Dance Showcase
Saturday, March 29, 2025
Kaua'i War Memorial Convention Hall, Lihue, Kaua'i
(held in the Exhibit Hall)
Show time 6:30 pm

Set up time for vendors: 4:00 pm
Vending time/ Doors open at 5:30 (please be set up before 5:30pm)
(shopping before, during (quietly during the show) and after the show
Tear Down: aprx 20 min after show's end



Load in: 4:00pm

Shopping and Food Vendors open: 5:30pm

Show starts at: 6:30 pm


Welcome to the Vendor's Page for the Raqs Tiki Belly Dance Glittering Showcase 2025. We are excited to offer a place for workshop attendees and the pubic to shop and find treasures for island treasures that showcase our local artisans who make and sell things for dance, fitness, health, beauty, and artistic living.


To make this more profitable and successful for you, we encourage you to share our Glittering Gala information to let people know you will be a chosen vendor at our event. Please share across social media and with friends and family. 

Please let us know if you'd like an event flyer emailed to you so you may share on social media. 


General Vendor Rules:

1) Please respect the space we are in. 

2) Do not tear down early unless you've given us advance notice.

3) Clean up area completely when finished, including clearing all trash, and making your spot look like you found it, or better!

4) No alcohol, drugs, weapons (prop swords are allowed). 


Vendor Fees:

$25.00 Please pay in advance to secure your spot. 


Space size:

Vending spots are approximately 10' wide by 6' deep.

Please let us know if you need a larger space.

Tables and Chairs:

We do have tables and chairs available. Please let us know in advance if you are in need. Tables are $1.00 a piece, and chairs are 25 cents per chair.

Please note that the House Lights are turned off during the show. 

You may bring lights to illuminate your products, as long as they don't interfere with show lighting. 

Extension cords are recommended. 

More information coming soon regarding available outlets for use.


If you have other needs, please contact Talia at  1 (925) 766-1478 or email Talia at  Put "Raqs Tiki Vendor" in the subject line. 


Liability Release:

I hereby agree that I will not hold Raqs Tiki Belly Dance Intensive, Showcase, Talia Soleil, Antonia Todd, Red Door Dance Studio, or any of their producers, sponsors, employees, volunteers, agents, or others acting on their behalf liable for any injury or illness, or for the loss or destruction of any personal property that may occur during, or as a result of my participation in the above mentioned event. I hereby voluntarily release, forever discharge and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Raqs Tiki Belly Dance Showcase for any and all causes of action, which are in any way connected with my participation in the event, including such claims which allege negligent acts or omissions of Raqs Tiki Belly Dance Intensive, and Showcase. I also agree that all information on the entry form is true and correct. 


Media Release Agreement:

I understand photographers and/or television crews may sometimes be present photographing or filming competitions, performances, classes, rehearsals or presentations regarding the event. I give Raqs Tiki Belly Dance Intensive the irrevocable right to use these photographs and/or television footage that include myself for advertising, promotion, exhibition, or any lawful purposes on television, or in any newspapers, magazines, internet or any other media. I waive any right to inspect or approve the photograph(s) or finished version(s) incorporating the photograph(s) including written copy that may be created and appear in connection therewith. I agree that Raqs Tiki Belly Dance Intensive owns the copyright in these photographs and I hereby waive any claims I may have based on any usage of the photographs or works derived therefrom, including but not limited to claims for either invasion of privacy or libel.

Raqs Tiki Belly Dance Intensive 2025 Vendor’s Form

IMPORTANT: Waivers:  By submitting the Vendor's Form, you are agreeing to all of the terms and conditions as stated therein, including the Release of Liability and Media Release paragraphs. You are responsible for you and your assistant's well-being and you are accepting that responsibility and liability for stolen merchandise, injury, death, acts of God, etc., en route, during or entering, exiting or leaving this event by signing off. 


 (As this is a family and community event, please note that all art must be “G” rated.)


Thank you,


Talia Soleil

Raqs Tiki Belly Dance Intensive and Glittering Gala

(925) 766-1478

Motionography, LLC

© 2024 Motionography LLC

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* Total Tiki and workshop Prices do NOT include Airfare, Lodging, Food, Luau, or photo shoot. 

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